Use Cases
In the common flow systems the location of the parked car is unknown, a barrier is needed to control the traffic and parking area. The actual flow system only allows equal treatment of all vehicles within a parking area. The result is an uniform parking fee with no exceptions or individual services.
You only can see, if the spot ist occupied or not. We will change this to a dynamic system with multiple opportunities.

In the new spot paradigma each parking slot is intelligently controlled by its own micro-computer. With an integrated camera and RGB-LED signal lights showing the actual status of the parking spot.
The parking spots have individual services in a wireless networking system. Anytime each spot changeable, for example for reservations, or sponsoring. All informations are single digital units in an scaleable installation.

The benefits of our single spot system:
Central control on each spot
Every spot is controlling its own status at any time, provides parking time and fees. There is no need for barriers or ticketsystems anymore.
Complete digital process
The payment, booking and communication is provided by digital systems. Individual controlled by smartphone and messenger services.
No expensive cable installation
The single units are operating wireless. Complex installations are not needed to run the system. It’s scalable from a few to many parking spots.
The system provides much more functions as any other parking lot system ever can offer. Imagine you can book parking spots directly with your cellphone and create your personal parking requirements. You need a parking spot with fast or overnight charging? No problem, the system shows the needed spot on demand.
As the parking lot owner, you can lent single spots digital to individuals, with realtime cashing up. There is no way easier than our system.